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I’m passionate about coaching because it lets me do what excites me most—connect to other people and help them navigate and better their worlds.


1 on 1 Session 

Individual coaching on anything that is causing discomfort (life, health, relationships, mindset etc).

Sessions are 60mins via Zoom $160

Life Coaching Program

In my Life coaching programmes, we focus on what matters to you as a person: bringing clarity around what makes you happy, discovering your purpose, exploring your values, creating sustained motivation, improving relationships, and setting boundaries. You can set goals in any area - health/self-care/fitness, financial freedom, career satisfaction, fun and recreation, community contribution - anything else you need to have a truly fulfilling life! One of my most popular programmes is Mum on a Mission which is designed for Mums to go from overwhelm to being fully Mothers they dreamed to be.

6 Sessions as a package $660 and each session is 60mins via Zoom 

Unlock you Personal Core Values

We often talk about our values & how our actions & behaviours support or go against them. But how well do you really know your core personal values?
In this 1,5 hour session I will help you uncover your top 10 core personal values and you will become aware why you may not be satisfied with certain areas of your life and why other areas are going amazingly well.
Defining your core values is one of the first steps in creating a meaningful & purposeful life. When you live by your values, you feel happier, more aligned & more focused on the things that are important to you.
Once you confirm your booking, I will e-mail your homework. Depending on how you prefer to work it can take anywhere from 30 min to a day. Please allow a few days before the session to comfortably complete your work. This will ensure our 1,5 hours together are top notch productive! I can't wait to help you start on this journey!

Sessions are 90mins via Zoom $260

Personal Development 

This programme is all about you - what would you like to shift in your life? You will embark on an amazing journey of self-discovery: where would you like to be, what stops you from getting there, how to navigate your path & make you unstoppable.
I believe you are whole & complete already. You don’t need fixing. You just need help to uncover the knowledge and awareness that’s already there.
I will partner with you. I will challenge you. I will make you accountable. I will also be your biggest cheerleader throughout the process! I can't wait to help you start on this journey!

6 Sessions as a package $660 and each session is 60mins via Zoom 

Family Building 

We will focus on family values exploring & team building so that the whole family is living happily and fully.

6 Sessions as a package $660 and each session is 60mins via Zoom  or person


What else is included?

Pre-Coaching Questionnaire

Summary Email After Each Session

Homework For Further Progression

Zoom Recording On Request

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